I've finished the third book in my Bonus Book Project,
Life of Pi. I read this book for the first time my senior year in high school as part of
Katowich's Philosophy of Film and Literature. That class was one of the best classes I've ever taken, and I really think that
Katowich's class and Dr.
Ruehle's classes/office time changed my life. Its a part of my life that still makes me warm and fuzzy whenever I think about it.
Life of Pi always brings me back to that time and place. Its a great story that manages to be poignant, funny, and philosophical. I love the rich descriptions of setting in particularly. All and all, its a great story with a beautiful message. I'd definitely recommend it.
Are there any books that you associate with a specific time in your life and why? Have any of you read Life of Pi? What did you think about it?