But here, have a good video:
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Moisturizer, Gurrrl
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Makes Me Want to Floss
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hawthorne is my boyfriend

It is nice revisiting Hawthorne. I enjoy his themes of sin and redemption, and could that boy ever use some color symbolism. However, I am too swamped to really enjoy anything this week. I have a major paper looming in two weeks, a 4 page paper for my advanced composition class, a psychology exam, AND my last creative writing assignment all due before Thanksgiving. It is crunch time and I am really looking forward to picking up a book just because over Christmas break. I miss reading at my own pace like a fat kid misses a cliche baked good.
Monday, November 2, 2009
So Good, So Bad
However, when I read the label, my heart breaks. For one thing, the first juice listed is apple. Even worse, before we even get to the juices, there's water and sweeteners, like high fructose corn syrup. Now, I really love this juice, don't get me wrong, but I don't thing it loves me back.
Is it really so much to ask for healthy juice available in a vending machine?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sigma Tau Delta, Ya'll
Wish me luck! (I'm going to need it...)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Taylor Swift Concert
A couple of weekends ago, I went on an epic two concert tour of Arkansas. I saw The Fray in Jonesboro and Taylor Swift in Little Rock. I really enjoyed both shows. The Fearless tour is flashy, epic sets, hours long playlist of top forty hits; think Garth Brooks in the nineties with more chicks. The Fray show was just some guys from Denver rocking out on a set that included lights that occasionally blinded the audience and a couple of screens.
Possibly the best part outside of the music is what type of person came to each show and what they were wearing. At The Fray, it leaned towards college aged to mid-thirties, emo/hippie types. At Taylor Swift? Well, there was some women in their early twenties, but there was a lot of forty-somethings with their babies and preschool kids. Everyone had big hair, short dresses, and boots. Well, not everyone...
Me and Daniel at Taylor Swift
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Microwave Friedly Cookies
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Service Day
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My Sunday Evening
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
New Stuff
Hair Monster
I cut off about 8 inches of hair less than a week ago. It never ceases to fascinate me how little shampoo I need now. Besides the hair, did you notice the new banner? I'm working on reorganizing and spiffying up around here. It might take a few days, but hopefully it will be much more useful when its all said and done. Stay tuned!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Demi Lovato Concert
Over the July 4 weekend, I went with my friends Daniel and Casey to see the Demi Lovato concert at Altell/Verizon Arena. We are all in our 20s and felt very old at this concert.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Healthy Goals: Warming Up to Excercise?

Wiki Commons Photo Credit
I am not as interested in loosing weight (though that would be great) as much as toning up, eating less junk, and improving my general health and mood. Right now, I'm trying to prepare legitimate goals and figure out some of my personal roadblocks so I can fix them now. One of my potential roadblocks is that most exercises routines feel goofy, isolating, or boring for me after a few sessions. I don't see much progress, am bored, and generally give up.
However, I recently read a series of Wired articles on Exercise, Biometrics, Nutrition, and Nike+. I've thought about switching to an iPod (I currently have a clunky Zen and a tiny USB player) and was really impressed by the Nike+ system. However, there are several other tech-y systems that are also interesting as part of an exercises program, including a new pedometer system for the DS and the very popular Wii fit.
Equipment | Pros | Cons | Cost |
Nike+ System | multi-use; Easy to organize/set goals; Mobile; | Cost; iTunes; Running or Walking only; | Shoes: $60-$120 iPod: Nano: $149 Touch: $229 Nike+ System: $29 |
Wii Fit | Fun/Easy; Multi-Player; Good for foul weather; Records several biometrics; Play other Wii games | Cost; Would I use it? BMI a good measure? | (Amazon) Wii Fit: $84.99 Wii: $200 |
Nintendo DS Pedometer | Simple: easy to use | Simple: just records steps made | (Amazon) $45.99 |
Thursday, July 16, 2009
My Fabulous Orange Chair
Perhaps even better, on our way home from purchasing it, we stopped to check on Dad in the hay field. We took the chair down from my truck bed, and Dad sat in it while eating lunch. We got some strange looks from bypassers.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A Woman, A Plan....
Monday, July 13, 2009
Caving: A Post!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hand Washing
Monday, June 15, 2009
Super Amazing Soap of Awesome
Monday, May 4, 2009
Life of Pi
Life of Pi always brings me back to that time and place. Its a great story that manages to be poignant, funny, and philosophical. I love the rich descriptions of setting in particularly. All and all, its a great story with a beautiful message. I'd definitely recommend it.
Are there any books that you associate with a specific time in your life and why? Have any of you read Life of Pi? What did you think about it?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Housekeeping + OMG Books (Edited)
These are all* of the books I have to move out with in less than a month. Um....I should get on that. I have this really intense love of books that always makes my frequent moves, well, interesting at best and horribly painful most of the time. Oh well.
The Bonus Book Project continues, but I'm still on book 3 (Life of Pi), which is a re-read. I really enjoy savoring it (its so amazing....) but I have so many books and I just bought 9 more! So many borrowed books too! So, here is my intended list of reading, roughly in order. It's probably going to take months, but I've got to start somewhere, right?
1. Ida B 5. Lord of the Flies
2. Good Omens 6. 1984 and/or Animal Farm
3. Moby Dick ** 7. Flowers for Algernon
4. Selected Shakespeare + The Inferno** 8. A Thousand Splendid Suns
* I've lost the Good Earth! OMG! I love that book. If I let you borrow it, or you're holding it hostage, please let me know. I'm rather attached to it.
** Moby Dick is a requirement for American Lit and Shakespeare and the Inferno are two I feel like I should have already read a couple of times. So, strictly speaking, they aren't "bonus" books, but if I read them before they are assigned, I guess they count.
P.S. My library thing books can be found here. I'm very slowly working at entering all of my books on to this nifty website. If you are interested, feel free to stalk my reading habits there.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I like coinage alright. A lot of people (*coughTheBoycough*) loathe coins. I think they miss the point completely. Change is one of those things that slowly accumulate in your life, ratting around your purse or your change dish, until one day you count it and find out that you actually have purchasing power.
But even better than counting coins is turning change into books: 1984, The Origins of Species, Let The Northern Lights Erase Your Name, The Pull of The Moon, Rabbit Run, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Jane Austen Book Club, The Silmarillion, and Encyclopedia of Urban Legends. As part of Scottish Festival, the library on campus sponsors a fantastic book sale, and I happened to have change. Life is good.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
This weekend? It dropped 20 degrees between 2 and 5 pm and is currently spitting sleet. Oh well. One week it will be consistently spring, and then immediately summer. Welcome to Arkansas!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Bono Antique Tractor Club
I really love these old tractors. They are so cute and petite compared to the monster tractors of today. These guys really love their tractors and are so willing to pull a pile of junk out of a fence row and make it look like new.
If you could restore anything at all from the past, what would it be?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Following of the Spoon
As previously mentioned, I recently found myself with a selection of MREs due to the epic ice storm of doom. I'll admit I was pretty sceptical. I mean, they could have been produced years ago and just been magically preserved; there's no way something so preserved could taste good, right?
Anyways, I think I've found the answer to terrible college food and dorm room concoctions. What do you like to snack on?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Bonus Book Project
As part of my resolution project for this year, I'm hoping to read a total of 12 non-assigned books. I was originally shooting for strictly "classics" that I hadn't read before, but I think I'll be flexible on that rule.

My second book of the year I happened to finish over spring break.

Image Courtesy of Harper-Collins
Population: 485 is an honest memoir of living in a small town in Wisconsin. Michael Perry is humorous, philosophical, and dark all wrapped up in one volunteer firefighter package. I really enjoyed this look at small town life, having grown up in a town that doesn't even have a population sign. There's a lot of deaths, but they are handled excellently, including the heart-breaking final chapter. Its not simple minded or a sweeping epic, but just a good quick read. I'd definitely recommend it.
Even better, Michael Perry will soon be releasing a third book (the second being Truck: A Love Story which I'd love to read) next month titled Coop: A Year of Poultry, Pigs, and Parenting. I'm interested in this book because in Population, he was decidedly single and happy about it. However, in the meantime, he's gotten married, and in the new book, he delivers his firstborn at his farmhouse. I think there will be a good story there.
For my next book, I may be cheating a bit: I'm rereading Life of Pi. I absolutely love this novel and am enjoying rediscovering it, so I guess it will still count. A good book is a good book.
What are you reading? Anything good?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Well, I fell off the posting wagon, and then I accidently posted with just the title "oops." Sigh. Okay, enough with the epic fail.
He's basically perfect. Even when licking at the snow.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Almost Spring Break

My spring break starts as I'm finished editing/citing a paper. Thankfully, that shouldn't take too much time tomorrow morning. Then its just packing, one class, lunch, and off to the Homeland! I thought I'd share some awesome coloring sheets I happened to find. I've printed several of them and hope to unwind over the break with some colored pencils and refrigerator-worthy artwork.
Hope everyone enjoys their week, whether on break yet or not. Posting might be rather late around inklingspot, as I will be in the wilds of DIALUP land. However, I'll try to take some good pictures and maybe there will be some surprise postings! ^_^
Friday, February 27, 2009
Reveal Time
What I learned from this little project (other than I suck at deadlines), is the only way to escape uber-preciousness while scrapbooking, and this is not a sure thing either, is to use random things for the background. Above, I used part of a San Francisco Bread Company's print catalogue, a Woot t-shirt bag, and a sale add from an Asian grocery store from our trip to California this summer. (Yes, I am a pack rat.) Its cheaper (if you don't count the cost of the airline ticket) and its recycling. What's not to love?
I also made the Boy a braclet with some embrodiery floss. I don't know why I didn't think to take a picture of it in full, but you'll just have to believe me that it is rainbow goodness incarnate.

Anyway, that's what I've been up to in the crafty department as of late. Feel free to comment and let me know what you've been up to, you know, if you want to share or whatever... ^_^
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June 2020
Some context (and flowers): When I was 16, I moved out of my parents house. My first roommate didn't stay, so I think a nine-weeks into...

Technically, I've been loom knitting since I was about 7. With a little googling around, I found the original Lisa Frank set that incl...
I wrote this review over on Amazon- however, I would not be surprised if it is not approved. Either way, I am memorializing it here. It...
Some context (and flowers): When I was 16, I moved out of my parents house. My first roommate didn't stay, so I think a nine-weeks into...